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Episode Title: Frequent Fliers
Airdate: April 12

Monday, September 28

More Reviews

Well overall, according to, our show Trauma doesnt really excite most to the critics.

It scored 53 which means mixed & average reviews. :(

Good News is: still. many tv critics love the show!

Reviews (good ones) are after the jump

Entertainment Weekly said:
"The premiere is laced with dazzling special effects (a helicopter crash and a fuel-tanker explosion!) and an intriguing season-setting backstory about a past rescue gone wrong. But the show's real genius lies in its spot-on casting."

Washington Post added:
"Trauma" provides what might be called meaningful thrills, because skillful work gives us victims we can care about and, obviously, a rescue team worth rooting for. One can't help wanting to see them, and the show built around their exploits, succeed. "

New York Post described this AMAZING show:
"The show is full of serious explosions and horrific crashes--especially the first brilliantly filmed accident. But all of that is intermixed with genuine characters you may not love, but will like to watch. And the fX are XXXtradordinary."

Since im too lazy to post the other reviews ...

HEAD OVER TO, if your interested to read the other reviews :)

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